National Monuments

Monuments bring the history and identity of our peoples, regions and Nation to life

The Dutch National Monuments Organisation (NMo) safeguards cultural heritage for future generations. It is an association of twelve large scale heritage organizations that promotes the protection and conservation of monuments. The NMo is the only heritage organization in the Netherlands that deals with all types of monuments, in every region of the country. It acquires and conserves monuments that would otherwise be left unprotected.

The NMo realizes large scale acquisitions of monuments from the national government, local governments and private parties. It acquired 29 monuments of national historic significance from the state. It manages these monuments under a separate foundation (SMB foundation).

The goals of the NMo are:

  • to heighten the cooperation between organisations that preserve monuments
  • to exchange knowledge and expertise on monument conservation
  • to strengthen the ties between the monument sector and the general public
  • to safeguard monuments that fall outside the scope of existing monument organizations
  • to acquire monuments that are released by public or private parties
  • to bring together the demand and supply for the use of monuments in a sustainable manner


The NMo is a non-profit organization that provides services such as inspections, taxation, second opinions and courses for the entire monument sector. It advises on monument restoration and management. The NMo acts on behalf of its members to highlight common issues with regard to the protection of monuments. It facilitates fundraising and philanthropy for the conservation of monuments.

The NMo is associate member of the International Trusts Organisation (INTO)

The NMo is based at:

Utrechtse Poort
Ruijsdaelplein 6
1411 RD Naarden, The Netherlands

And can be reached at:
003185 - 7603580

The director of the NMo is Marlo Reeders